VI Plant Shop

Venus Fly Trap

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Name: Dionaea muscipula 

AKA: Carnivorous plant, Snap Trap

Why we love it: This plant is not only eye-catching, but useful to your indoor jungle. Their fronds will close when a fly enters their "trap" so introduce it into your space and watch as it naturally attracts and digests small insects (like fruit flies) in your space. Do not overload the plants by 'feeding' them with large insects to avoid issues. 

This plant is native to North Carolina, where is grows wild.

Light: Bright to bright indirect light.

Water: These plants have high moisture and humidity needs. Do not allow these plants to dry out. Keep the soil moist at all times, these plants do best if kept in a shallow dish of distilled water.

Pet Friendly? Yes, these are pet-safe

Plants are sold in their nursery pots.